Computer to Screen (CTS) imaging systems represent today the most advanced method of screen preparation. The main principle of CTS technology is to transfer image information (digital data) from a computer directly to a light-sensitive layer applied on the mesh, which eliminates the need for a film positive usage.
The main advantages, besides the cost savings, are connected with the film positive free process itself. No film positives means no need of a vacuum and tehrefore no problems associated with unsufficient film contact resulting in unsharp edges.
The term CTS identifies two basic technologies. The one uses ink-jet technology to print a UV-opaque ink directly on the top of the light-sensitive layer, followed by a full-area exposure. In the case of the another technology, we can talk about the direct exposure and hardening of the stencils non printed areas using a special positioning exposure head. In both cases, the standard process of washing out of the unhardened stencil areas followes after the exposure.
We offer a fully automatic CTS imaging systems from M&R and CST GmbH for the fast and efficient production of high-quality stencils.
For more information and current offer, please contact us.